剛從Maui玩了一個禮拜回來,晒得有點黑而且開始嚴重脫皮,不過沒有像來小姐一樣變成"黑炭"一枚 XD
對了,星期四的奇蹟!My celtics boys came back after 20-points deficit and won game 4!!
天哪,完全出乎意料之外。興奮之餘,我發現LA is just such a hostile city to be in right now.
I just think that KG, Allen, and Pierce are such devoted athletes that really do deserve a championship, and I'm ecstatic that this year may very possibly be THE year. They have come so far.
It just confuses me... I don't play sports myself, and I thought all these guys that play bball would see the sportsmanship in these players and give them credits for what they are doing this year and actually having a chance of attaining their dreams. But no, all of y'all just become so hostile toward me. All of the sudden, the "logic" that all you males hold so dearly in your egos just evaporates. It is the weirdest thing. 男人們口中的那些球場上的respect,對球員的尊重等等,突然之間全部不見,取而代之的是一堆 emotional comments or insults. It is simply the weirdest thing for me to observe.
The loneliness of my joy saddens me.
Well anyhow, I'm probably the only person that would ever "feel" sports in this way. 買了一件KG 的球衣一直沒機會穿,這下可好,我更不敢在LA的任何地方穿上敵人的球衣,真的很有可能被boo到死。哎。
I'm still gonna cry after they win the championship, even if BY MYSELF.
去刺繡吧... (Seriously, Cathy is doing that!!)
剛從Maui玩了一個禮拜回來,晒得有點黑而且開始嚴重脫皮,不過沒有像來小姐一樣變成"黑炭"一枚 XD
對了,星期四的奇蹟!My celtics boys came back after 20-points deficit and won game 4!!
天哪,完全出乎意料之外。興奮之餘,我發現LA is just such a hostile city to be in right now.
I just think that KG, Allen, and Pierce are such devoted athletes that really do deserve a championship, and I'm ecstatic that this year may very possibly be THE year. They have come so far.
It just confuses me... I don't play sports myself, and I thought all these guys that play bball would see the sportsmanship in these players and give them credits for what they are doing this year and actually having a chance of attaining their dreams. But no, all of y'all just become so hostile toward me. All of the sudden, the "logic" that all you males hold so dearly in your egos just evaporates. It is the weirdest thing. 男人們口中的那些球場上的respect,對球員的尊重等等,突然之間全部不見,取而代之的是一堆 emotional comments or insults. It is simply the weirdest thing for me to observe.
The loneliness of my joy saddens me.
Well anyhow, I'm probably the only person that would ever "feel" sports in this way. 買了一件KG 的球衣一直沒機會穿,這下可好,我更不敢在LA的任何地方穿上敵人的球衣,真的很有可能被boo到死。哎。
I'm still gonna cry after they win the championship, even if BY MYSELF.
去刺繡吧... (Seriously, Cathy is doing that!!)