目前分類:Journey @ Rosemead (8)
- Apr 04 Sat 2009 02:12
Life does not stop.
- Feb 05 Tue 2008 17:59
Learn to sit with disappointment
... and fatigue.
- Jan 28 Mon 2008 05:17
“In training of becoming something greater...“
這是我在inter-term課程剛開始時,在babbling上 (左邊那個啦
學期再過兩天就正式開始了,前幾個禮拜我們開始我們所謂的 "inter-term",就是學期中間的算是短期密集課程吧。我們今年被required一定要拿兩堂,Intro to psychotherapy & pre-practicum I。都不是很hardcore demanding的課,不過因為都還在"半放假"狀態,大家都有點提不起勁。另外一點也是因為,這是我們進了Rosemead以後第一堂真正關於 therapy的課程,對於大部分的我們來說,也是我們一輩子中第一堂真正教導 therapy的課。這種感覺有點複雜... 很興奮,因為終於,doing therapy is what we're all here for, 終於爬過了undergrad, work experiences, application process, academia-filled first semester, 總算要進入真正的 therapy了,總算要開始學習怎麼當心理醫師了。但是也很緊張,很手足無措(?),大家都是一樣,一路過來都很會讀書了,可是,沒想到,doing therapy requires a whole NEW SET of skills that we've never formally acquired. 要一對一面對一個才剛認識不到五分鐘的人,試著要對方把自己最隱私的祕密傾囊倒出來給你,你還得有辦法幫他contain住而不lose control,這全部,takes more than just merely being "a good listener."
As if this is not hard enough, being a therapy requires your genuine self. 和大部分其他的工作不同的是,你無法當一個distant, detached "professional" sitting across a client. 大部分的工作,你可以在上班時戴起工作的帽子,舒服地扮演著工作時的角色,儘管那個角色跟你真正私底下的人是完全沒有關係、甚至是完全相反的人。但是,做therapist就不行了... 如果你不是一個真實的人,再怎麼遲鈍的人馬上都能夠感受得到。這代表,在我們學習成為別人的心理指導者之前,我們得自己願意開始我們個人的內心的 journey. You know where those problems and hurts are, and you know that you've been dealing them maladaptively. In order for you to be the one telling other people to face them honestly and change, YOU have to be honest to yourself and face them first. 所以,我們學校 REQUIRES每個學生畢業前一定要完成至少60個sessions of our own "didactic therapy",除了是能實際學習如何當心理醫師,更是要能學習如何當坐在沙發上的那個 "病人“。(其實並不是病人 "patient", we call it "client", 不過我實在不知道中文要怎麼表達才好... 有點糟糕,一整篇下來都沒辦法好好用一個語言講清楚,這真是個痛苦的事情...)
要真實面對自己的問題是很困難的事。But it's a journey that's required to take... 不然我們拿什麼立場來要求別人?
所以一方面學習這些新的skill set,一方面學習自己成長中一直以來的問題和解決的方式,這整個過程,in a way 比上學期那30頁的論文還難,因為我完全不知道怎麼predict。因為沒走過這條路,儘管一直是很想要走的,但會遇到的困難是完全沒有面臨過的。
在這邊我又不得不感謝我們的學校,每位教授和學長、姊們都是這麼願意看到我們成功、成長,所以大家都儘其所能幫助每個在這個過程中的菜鳥們。Everyone is so committed to see each other succeed; everyone is pouring out. I feel very safe (at least for now :P)
"In training of becoming something greater."
好誇張... 才第二個學期耶,do they really know what they're doing putting us there in the room?!
From this point onward, everything will be moving in the speed of light. 這學期開始有 volunteer clients,好像還有小孩clients for us to do measurement & assessment,接下來第二年開始就要外派到school districts 去做assessment, 也要在biola counseling center 開始做 intakes、當 student therapist,然後再來的我就不敢再知道了...... Orz
It sure sounds a lot of "fun"!
- Dec 08 Sat 2007 12:47
Keeping my sanity...
拼了 這最後的一個週末..
- Oct 15 Mon 2007 23:14
[Rosemead] 放假放假放假
- Sep 19 Wed 2007 23:04
This is where I'm supposed to be
上禮拜很慘,我進了ER,被run了一堆test,結果說我有 kidney stone.
- Sep 19 Wed 2007 22:33
[School] What's in your backpack?
我覺得我每天都得變形成“紅色忍者龜“,背著我那重重的大大的swiss army backpack...
Huge + heavy backpacks are, I suppose, the "symbolic identify" of all graduate students. (Angel 莊的昂貴Jansport登山包也是不是蓋的我跟你講... XD)
- Sep 04 Tue 2007 22:59
[Rosemead] why is La Mirada so hot?!
我的學校名字叫做 "Rosemead School of Psychology", 可是他其實不在Rosemead 而是在La Mirada.
以前的確在Rosemead,可是後來被Biola併吞了,所以就搬家到La Mirada來。
There, here's the explanation once and for all... stop asking if i go to "rosemead" for school or not. Yes I AM in "Rosemead" but not "Rosemead" geographically, ok okok ok? 乖.