Enough said, KG. You've done it! Finally after all these years!
No more bullied by the monster of winning a ring every morning! You got the ring now, and you've beaten the bad ass out of that bully like you said. ;)
Now, Bill won't need to share you one of his hard-earned rings anymore. I guess he's relieved and overjoyed at the same time.

The MVP would've been a nice icing on the cake, but it's fine, Paul did deserve it. And you were happy for him as well.
Great job done guys! Such great teamwork and camaraderie. Y'all deserve it!!

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sherrblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I hate my life, seriously.

sherrblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

就是因為假還沒到,所以就開始打算要做什麼.. :P

sherrblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

不過那不是重點,現實還是很難回來的,面對到一大堆功課還有接連而來的新的挑戰,真是很想吶喊: 我要我的春假!我沒有放到阿~~~~

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Oh how I miss home!!
現在要去休息了,所以之後在慢慢說吧 :D

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sherrblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

上禮拜去買鮮花,因為家裡花瓶多很多個 :D
向日葵開超大的,老妹說比他的臉還大,我說 sunflower 根本就是 narcissist. 佔掉所有的版面和焦點,三八 XD
btw, Jivi Shaw 很喜歡吃康乃馨...
It's nice to have flowers in the house. They just keep on growing each day, reminding you that you're still alive and well.

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