我覺得我每天都得變形成“紅色忍者龜“,背著我那重重的大大的swiss army backpack...
Huge + heavy backpacks are, I suppose, the "symbolic identify" of all graduate students. (Angel 莊的昂貴Jansport登山包也是不是蓋的我跟你講... XD)

So I figure this will be an interesting discussion topic. Next time we'll do Capitol One's "What's in your wallet" :D
(I basically just don't wanna do my abnormal psych reading anymore... goodness)

Here's what I have in mine:

1st layer-
雜七雜八小東西: eye drop, neutrogena chopstick, 眼鏡布, tissue, Post-its, pencil + pen + highlighter + eraser

1.5 layer- (somehow我的背包中間有個詭異的夾層...)
因為很詭異,所以變成食物區 XD
固定要有一大塊dark chocolate,為避免我有時突然的血糖過低 =_=
Advil liquid-gel painkiller, 為避免又是突然的頭痛
Some mint or gum, altho i usually don't like to eat them.
Some crackers -> 有越來越多的傾向 Orz

2nd layer-
3-subjects UCSD notebook. I got this notebook during my last quarter @ UCSD cuz of the cute cover design, knowing full well that I wouldn't need one @ ucsd anymore :P Now I finally can put it to good use.
5-pockets 台製藍色小熊資料夾. 台灣做的文具真的是最好的,下次回去再多帶一些來。
wallet (with barely no cash in it), graphing calculator (cuz i don't know how to use normal calculator anymore...)
一大堆重死人不償命的課本, the usual ones include:
an over 1000-pages DSM-IV-TR, Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, the Bible for all psychologists that will continue to haunt me for the rest of my life.
Stats textbook + course reader.
平均每堂課都有兩本以上的reading, which i think i've only done 30% of all the required reading so far.. :P

top layer-
iPod + earplug (altho i rarely listen to it on campus, i carry it cuz leaving it in car will make it too hot)
cell phone
Biola ID (cuz we need to swipe ID whenever we go in the library, our Rosemead Grad lounge, and eating...)

last layer-
親愛的外表看起來很輕巧實際上卻頗重的MacBook小白。Though I'm glad I'm using a Mac instead of a PC laptop cuz I heard the PC ones have trouble getting on the wireless internet, which I haven't had any v^O^

可是都還放不下,害我的小銀除了每天要跑50 miles以外還要變成我的portable locker...

What's in your backpack?

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