上禮拜很慘,我進了ER,被run了一堆test,結果說我有 kidney stone.
上禮拜三下午回家以後就胃痛,晚上開始發燒頭痛,凌晨三四點都睡不著。偏偏我隔天又跟professor約了個appointment,還有兩堂課和一份功課要交,在睡不著的情況下,我爬起來寫email給兩位professors 和兩位同學請他們幫我交功課,然後就昏倒在床上。隔天就去了急診,待了三個多小時吧。晚上,查了email,沒想到不僅同學們非常關心,連教授們也都非常understanding & caring.
My heart was totally warmed by their responses; this is something I could not have imagined in undergrad @ ucsd.
禮拜一回學校,許多同學都來詢問我的身體狀況,apparently 其中一堂課的教授在課上跟大家說了我的狀況而且表示非常關心。So many of them have been praying for me even though we've only known each other for less than a month.
禮拜一其實還蠻慘的,不僅是因為我得在學校一整天從早上八點到傍晚六點,而且身體還沒完全恢復,一直拉肚子 + 想吐頭昏。我的心裡卻一直記得被關懷的感動,despite all of the physical discomforts, I truly felt that this community at Rosemead is truly where I'm supposed to be at this point of my life.
當然,我沒有想像到這種程度的workload & stress,but despite all that, I feel completely comfortable in this environment/ community.
這是一種奇怪的感覺,我不知道原來人可以在壓力下覺得這是他享受的狀態。I give Rosemead community the credit. 我們剛到的第一天,所有的教授,upper classmates 都一再地很清楚的讓我們知道,everyone here wants to see us grow and become successful in our future. Everyone knows fully that this is an intensive and stressful process, but everyone believes in us.
This is really what I love about Rosemead. I no longer have to strive for recognition and step on top of my fellow classmates as I felt like I needed to in ucsd. I no longer need to do work alone; I now have a whole class of people going through the same pain and struggles. This is such an amazing thing to have going through a graduate program.
Plus, Rosemead does an excellent job decorating our building. It always smells nice and looks nice =)
anyhow, i give up on my reading for tonight... gonna go sleep... now sleep is the next thing i gotta tackle.... eerrrr.
- Sep 19 Wed 2007 23:04
This is where I'm supposed to be