This is the title of the latest David Crowder (and Mike Hogan) book titled (ok ready here we go)--
"Everybody Wants to Go To Heaven But Nobody Wants to Die or (the eschatology of bluegrass)"
And these are the two latest album from David Crowder*Band "A collision" & "B collision"
Which I find is the cutest and most clever thing, because when you saw "A collision" you wouldn't think that there's gonna be a "B collision." Just another David-Crowder-type of humor.
Anyhow, so, enough of introduction. (I'm sorry but I just read some David Crowder (and Mike Hogan) book and I love their way of talking and I'm starting to sound like it...) (And I intentionally made the second author's name so small, because in the book's introduction the authors made a huge deal and joke out of it and I just kept on laughing like crazy.)
Anyhow, so, lately i've been reading this book (during my bathroom time... muwhahha). In short, the reason why they have this book and the B Collision is because they just recently lost one of their close friends, who was a pastor, who was ironically "electrocuted" in the water where he was performing baptism. Really really ironic and sad. But with David Crowder, you know how sad he really is, and how much weight death is for them, as you can really feel the weight in their book and album, and yet you just love him (or "them") for his craziness and humor and style.
I'm sure most of you know this band, but do you know he looks like this?! ->
Maaaann! You know what sort of jaw-dropping surprise I had when I first went to their concert and seeing this skinny 山羊鬍 guy? This is THE David Crowder?! He sure sounded like him... but what's with the hair and the beard??!
I hope I didn't ruin your beautiful mental image of David Crowder for some of you.... XD
This is his style and I'm sure happy that he looks this crazy and weird. Cause he really IS crazy and weird.
Whenever I read his books (btw, his first book "Praise Habit" is just awesome! It's so fun and so great!), I am always encouraged. If God can use this kind of weird guy, He can most definitely use anyone!! David Crowder reminds me of Paul in the Bible. He always says he's the worst of any sinner, and if God can use him then He can use anyone. David Crowder reminds me of a "modern-day" Paul. You need to read his writings to know how weird/funny/crazy a person he is! And if a guy crazy like him can be used by God to this multitude, then certainly anyone can as well! :D
I'm just amazed at how creative God is to be able to create such a creative guy like David Crowder (and his band). (quite a creative sentence that I come up with, huh?)
Anyhow, I'm not done with this book yet. After I'm done I'll devote a whole long entry on David Crowder and the book. So more to come. Remind me to give you guys more interesting revelations. ;)
Tonight when I was reading, I came up with this really interesting topic that I think we can all have a fun time discussing!
OK, this book talks about death. And since I am so amazed by this guy, I thought, man, I would really want to be talking to David Crowder and his band when I'm up there in the heaven. By that time, there won't be any language barriers and we will have an ETERNITY to be talking to everyone. I guess on the earth I most likly won't have the opportunity to talk to him in person, but I would love to be able to talk and to sing bluegrass with them =D
So i came up with this topic that I am very interested in knowing y'all's answer.
Who are the 5 people that when you get to heaven, you would definitely really want to talk to them?
(And I mean, "real talk", not just "say hi" talk.)
These people can be those Bible characters that you just love, or the people that you just never have the chance to get to know.
I tried to come up with my list... and here it is (so far)
1. David Crowder (and his band). I wanna tell him that on the morning when I took my first GRE, I was worshiping and crying like crazy with his "Wholly Yours" song. It was crazy. No one would ever imagine having an intimate worship with that song. I wanna also tell him that he made a very fobbish chinese girl sing along with his bluegrass music with all those "hee-hah" and banjo. (That's the thing/instrument on the cover of "B Collision")
2. Paul the Apostle. Because i think he's just totally cool. And I wonder how he looks like.
3. Peter the Apostle. Same as above.
4. Still thinking..
5. KG- Kevin Garnett. That's if he goes to heaven, which I hope he will... I wanna ask him why he keeps staying at Minnesota and never realizes the T-wolves will not get him a ring. (That's if he stays and they really never win a champ.) Please, I beg you, just change a team so that I can have a different conversation with you.
OK, now, what is your list?
Just give me 5 names for now... you can always add later. Remember, you're gonna have an ETERNITY up there. I'm sure eventually you'll get to talk to anyone you want. C'mon guys, be creative! think! Who do you want to talk to and what? Have fun~!!